Steve's suicide

If you're looking for answers.... 2bad4u. I was an intern at Griffpatch Studios, and they made a new Scratchnappeded game, but they made a demo, and I had to, test it. I played it and it was shit so i played it again, but this time it was... well.... it was scary. it told me to bow down. so i did. it told me to kill Steve. so i did. then it was like wow ur easy to controll but then we saw that i actually killeded bob, not steve. Steve was inside. he had just finished his frosted flakes with sugar on and had hyperrealistic blood eyes. then he took a gun and killed himself. and thats the only part of steve you're gonna see in this creepypasta called steves suicide. now on to some horrible pictures of people having gay marrigae. gays are dumb they havent read the most true religion ever called macaroni and cheese guy. its about this macaroni and cheese guy who makes a world and kills people he make. hes real name is garry and the storys real because my mom told me so. Then a theif took the footage.